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Fees, Referrals & Medicare

Appointments & Fees

The duration of appointments are 50-60 minutes long and the fee is $230.


Referrals & Medicare

If you have a referral letter from your GP and a Mental Health Care Plan you can access a Medicare rebate of $141.85 on up to 10 sessions with a clinical psychologist per year.


Mental Health Care Plan

Please discuss with your GP if you are eligible for a Mental Health Care Plan.


Private Health Insurance

If you have private health insurance, you may be eligible for a rebate from your private healthcare policy. We recommend that you contact your private health care insurer prior to your session to confirm your eligibility.


Workcover and TAC

Celeste is not currently offering treatment to clients who are attending via third parties including Workcover and TAC.



It is understood that sometimes cancellations cannot be avoided, however, late notice means that the appointment cannot be offered to another person. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will incur a cancellation fee that is 100% of the appointment cost. Please note Medicare and Private Health funds do not cover cancellation fees and will be the responsibility of the client.


Appointment Reminders

As a courtesy, appointment reminder text messages and emails are sent, however, but is encouraged that all clients to keep a record of their scheduled appointments as cancellation fees still apply even if you do not receive a reminder.